Fun in the Oven
Documenting the fun and not-so-fun aspects of carrying my third child.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Bun's Out of the Oven!
He's here! Judah Jack "Jude" Messing was born Friday, October 14, 2011 at 6:42 am. He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and was 21.3 inches long.
This concludes the documentary on my third pregnancy. It's been quite a ride! Jude's story will continue on my regular blog, Late Night Feedings. See you there!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Worth A Thousand Words
Sophie came home from school with this drawing for me yesterday. She showed me that she had drawn herself, Lilah, Mommy, the baby, and Daddy. I told her how nice I thought it was. She told me that she was going to ask her teacher how to write something on it, but then she ran out of time. I told her I would write it for her and asked her what she had wanted to say. She said, "I'm sorry the baby's not coming out." I thanked her and hugged her tight. A little sympathy goes a long ways with me.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Belly Pics!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Confinement Vs. Rice Fields
Monday, September 19, 2011
End of the Ticker!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Case in Cup
Allow me to share with you a story from this morning’s doctor’s appointment that will illustrate the legitimacy of two common pregnancy complaints. The first is “pregnancy brain.” Not just an excuse for being flaky, there are scientific reasons for this phenomenon. The second complaint is that of frequent urination, due to a person constantly head-butting the pregnant woman’s bladder. I often complain that as soon as I stand up from using the bathroom I have to go again. This morning, I proved this to be no exaggeration. Here is what happened:
I went in for a regular check-up. The nurse and I chatted away while she took my weight and blood pressure. She was pregnant when I was pregnant with Lilah, and we ended up delivering our babies on the same day, just rooms apart in the hospital. So we have a nice little nurse-patient bond. At every appointment after she takes my weight and blood pressure (or sometimes before, depending on how long I’ve been waiting) I go to the bathroom to leave my urine sample. Today was no different. However, as soon as I finished using the bathroom I realized that I had totally forgotten about the sample. I was washing my hands and looking at the plastic cups and black marker and realized what I had done. I went over the options in my head: tell the doctor what happened and ask to try again after the appointment or just walk out and don’t worry about the sample this week, both of which would make me look like an idiot. Then it occurred to me that if I sat back down, I just might be able to try again. Lo, and behold, a mere few seconds after zipping up (er, pulling up my big old elastic-waisted maternity jeans) I had no trouble at all filling up that plastic cup.
Moral of the story: pregnant women’s brains and bladders truly do not function normally. But once in a while that may prove to be a good thing.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Weary Traveler
Packed for Charleston
Packed for home
Packed for Cleveland
Packed for home
Packed for Atlanta
Packed for home
The next suitcase I'm packing is my hospital bag.