Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Best Part

This is the good part of pregnancy... the best part. This is the part when the miserable part is becoming a distant memory, but it it not yet the part when I wish to wake up in the middle of the night in active labor because I really, truly cannot imagine being pregnant for one more day. This is the part when I feel the baby from the inside and outside almost constantly, causing me to smile on the inside and outside almost constantly. This is the part when I know the sex of the baby, so I can more completely bond with him. This is the part when doctor's appointments are so short, because of lack of questions or complaints on my part, that I am parked in the garage for less than 30 minutes, allowing me free parking. This is the part when I LOVE being pregnant; the part that when I am not pregnant I think about wistfully. This is the part that makes me sad to consider this being my last pregnancy; that makes me think I could do this over and over... or at least once more. This part is too short. I've only just recently arrived at this part, and I know it will pass in a few weeks. For now, I am trying to enjoy every last second of this part. Because it is truly the best part of pregnancy.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes, the sweet spot of pregnancy. I only fully enjoy it for about a month or so, just like you said. It goes so fast, but it's awesome. Baby movements feel wonderful, food tastes amazing, belly is adorable but not yet in the way... And swimming! I am always somehow pregnant in the summer, and I always love swimming with the baby so much.
    Enjoy! Hope it lasts a while for you!
    Oh, and belated congratulations on the boy news! A pack of girls is a lot of fun, but it's also fun to get to experience both "kinds" of kids, if you will. Though, you know, each individual kid is a "kind" unto itself, I suppose.
